Saturday, August 15, 2009

The barn

How where the stalls configured at various times?

Where were the standing stalls and where were the box stalls?

Where did the stallion live?

1 comment:

  1. I surprised Pop one morning around 7am. Dad dropped me off on his way to the golf course and I was waiting when Pop arrived. We watered the horses together carrying buckets or bringing ponies to the sink inside. The boxes were along the left side of the main barn and standing stalls all along the right. Through the door at the end was an arena that was too small to really ride in, and it was cold, omg! Through the tack room, was a door to the other side of the stables where Swanky was stabled, though this stallion was stabled earlier on in the first box in the main stable, he was moved later on to the back. And, that poor stallion had no light in his box, just a soft puff of his breath gratefully taking the carrot I offered with his velvet mouth. Lots of yearlings .. mainly Hackney and Canadien crosses. The trails were fabulous also, bareback on Black Prince around 4:30p when everyone had left.. we loved the sandy soil and autumn leaves.
