Sunday, August 16, 2009

Billingham family

Between Walter and Kenny there were 6 grandchildren but only one of them - Lois - Walter's daughter - was interested in horses.

Walter and Grace and Lois and her brother Roy lived upstairs in the apartment above the house.

Roy took Pop on a trip to the West. They went to the Calgary Stampede. Pop was most impressed.

Pop had to have surgery and was away for a while and the riders did extra chores. We helped to clean out the garage. Pop was not too happy about this and he went to the dump to retrieve some of his junk.


  1. Hey Vicki, great blog! A few things I remember - if our names ended in "a", Pop always pronounced it as "er" - so, Lydier, Linder, Brender etc. I think it was from his early days in England.

    And his favourite expression which was used in any situation "Gory!", I've never ever heard anyone else use it.

  2. Gory - now I start to remember this!!
